Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tonton Henri, a Giant

March 16, 2007, Tonton Henri received a very high honour from the government.
He received the title of the working hero of the nation.
He is the 30th man, from the begining of the VietNam history, to get this honour !

From the glory to the disgrace, and,
from the disgrace to the honour,
I compare him with Maximus (Russell Crowe) of the film "Gladiator" !.
He was like a general, then like a slave that became a hero !

Re-starting from nothing ( see his book "Nguoi o lai" ),
he successed to build the factories and product medecines for the VietNam in a very hard time.

His motto is "dare to think and dare to do" !
He is inventive and in the same time,  he is a scientific.

He works relentlessly, sleeping only 3 hours a day.
He has a tremondous memory.
He designed himself the building of  his 2 factories !

As a fast decision-maker and men leader, he is easily  hot passionate.
The factory decided to give him a day off a week for not putting under stress the employees !

He has a great love, and a great admiration, for his ancestors.
He has mobilized all resources for restoring the dilapidated tombs of the ancestors.
He is very proud to be able to achieve this work.

He has a passion of discovery,
he is a rare man that has visited all the villages of VietNam.

Just retired, he is writing his life !
He is already at the chapter 7.
He thinks that he will end the 5 chapters left next year.
May be he is writing in french ?.
He says that the book will be translated in Vietnamese and in English.


  1. Hello my family !
    The latest news from Tonton Henri :
    "Mes memoires progressent mais pas aussi vite que je l'aurais voulu, car il y a tellement de choses a accomplir . Je dois m'occuper du Centre de Formation des Handicapes et des Orphelins a Hoc Mon et je viens d'etre nomme expert des affaires pharmaceutiques pres le Comite Populaire de Ho Chi Minh Ville et vice- directeur de L'Institut de Recherche et de Developement de la Sante Communautaire de la ville.
    Ici RAS. Gros bisous a tous !"

    So Tonton is only half retired !

  2. Que est ce qu il fait le Tonton Henry ds la photo???

  3. Marcelle,
    La photo était prise lors d'une réunion familiale à Saigon ( VietNam ). Et nous avions visité Tonton Henri qui se trouvait alors à l'hôpital.
    Vers le mois de Mai 2010, la réunion familiale se trouvera peut être en Chine via le VietNam. Mais sans doute je ne ferai pas partie du voyage ( c'est vraiment dommage ).


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